2016 Poster
Abstracts |
Ahlers F, Feldt T, Brinkmann K, Schlecht E (2016) The potential of Silver Thicket (Euphorbia stenoclada Baill.) as dry season supplement feed for pastoral herds in southwestern Madagascar. X International Rangeland Congress, 17–22 July 2016, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
10th International Rangeland Congress, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. |
Englert A, Dworak L, Rasoloariniaina JR, Brinkmann K, Kobbe S, Buerkert A (2016) Hydrogeology in the South-West of Madagascar – A multi-scale approach. BMBF Research Programme ’Sustainable Land Management’ Final Conference 2016, 7–9 March 2016, Berlin, Germany.
BMBF ’Sustainable Land Management’ Final Conference, Berlin |
Feldt T, Fust P, Ahlers F, Schlecht E, Antsonantenainarivony O, Ramananoro FM, Edmont R, Rakotoarimanana V (2016) Interrelatedness of grazing livestock with vegetation parameters against the background of political instability in the Mahafaly region, southwestern Madagascar. BMBF Research Programme ’Sustainable Land Management’ Final Conference 2016, 7–9 March 2016, Berlin, Germany.
BMBF ’Sustainable Land Management’ Final Conference, Berlin |
Fritz-Vietta N, Mbola MM, Tahirindraza HS, Thielsen K, Wesselow M, Marikandia LM, Stoll-Kleemann S (2016) The role of cultural values to the Tanalana people from the Mahafaly Plateau region, southwest Madagascar. BMBF Research Programme ’Sustainable Land Management’ Final Conference 2016, 7–9 March 2016, Berlin, Germany
BMBF 'Sustainable Land Management’ Final Conference, Berlin |
Goetter JF, Antsonantenainarivony O, Rabemirindra H, Schlecht E, Wätzold F (2016) Drivers of overuse and degradation of the important fodder tree Euphorbia stenoclada in southwest Madagascar and approaches for mitigation. BMBF Research Programme ’Sustainable Land Management’ Final Conference 2016, 7–9 March 2016, Berlin, Germany.
BMBF ’Sustainable Land Management’ Final Conference, Berlin |
Kübler D, Olschofsky K, Prill L, Plugge D, Ranirison A, Köhl M (2016) Assessing the potential for sustainable forest management of a dry forest ecosystem in south western Madagascar. BMBF Research Programme ’Sustainable Land Management’ Final Conference 2016, 7–9 March 2016, Berlin, Germany.
BMBF ’Sustainable Land Management’ Final Conferenec, Berlin |
Prill L, Kübler D (2016) Tropische Wälder im Spannungsfeld zwischen Übernutzung und Nachhaltigkeit — Lösungsansätze am Beispiel Madagaskars. Deutsche Aktionstage Nachhaltigkeit (DAN 2016), 30 May–5 June 2016, Hamburg, Germany.
DAN, Hamburg |
Ramananoro FM, Schlecht E, Fust P (2016) Caught in the act – Assessment of intensity and spatial variation of cattle intrusion by a network of camera traps in Tsimanampetsotsa National Park, Madagascar. International Conference on Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development (TROPENTAG 2016), 18–21 September 2016, Vienna, Austria.
Tropentag, Vienna |
Kübler D, Plugge D, Rakotomalala Y (2014) Meeting the demand of local populations by purposeful sustainable dry forest management - understanding growth patterns of heavily used tree species
3rd Scientific Conference to the UNCCD, Cancún |
Faust, S., Hanisch, S., Buerkert, A., Joergensen, R.G. (2015) Soil Properties under Manured Tamarindus indica in the Littoral Plain of South-WesternMadagascar
Tropentag, Berlin
Kübler D, Köhl M (2014) Prediction of forest structure parameters in a tropical dry forest in the southwest of Madagascar using remote sensing imagery.
Forest Change, Freising |
Antsonantenainarivony O, Rabemirindra H, Rakotoarimanana V, Edmond R, Brinkmann K, Schlecht E (2014) Regeneration and biomass production of Euphorbia stenoclada in the coastal plains of Southwestern Madagascar.
Tropentag, Prag |
Fanambinantsoa N, Faramalala MH, Buerkert A, Brinkmann K (2014) Dynamics and drivers of land use changes in Southwestern Madagascar during the past 60 years.
Tropentag, Prag |
Feldt T, Neudert R, Schlecht E (2014) Reproductive and growth performance of extensively managed goat herds in Southwestern Madagascar.
Tropentag, Prag |
Ranaivoson T, Rakouth B, Buerkert A, Brinkmann K (2014) Analysis of biomass production of Tamarind trees and their role in local communities of south-western Madagascar.
Tropentag, Prag

Andriamparany J, Jeannoda V, Brinkmann K & Buerkert A (2013) The potential of wild yams to improve food security on the Mahafaly Plateau in Southwestern Madagascar.
Tropentag, Stuttgart |
Andriamparany R, Opgenoorth L, Andrianarimisa A, Brandl R, Buerkert A, Hanisch S & Fricke R (2013) Manure and charcoal effects on soil faunal activity in irrigated vegetable gardens in South-west Madagascar.
Tropentag, Stuttgart |
Antsonantenainarivony O, Rakotoarimanana V, Edmond R & Schlecht E (2013) Grazed vegetation types near Tsimanampetsotsa National Park in Southwestern Madagascar.
Tropentag, Stuttgart |
Brinkmann K, Schaeper W, Fanambinantsoa N, Buerkert A (2013) Acquisition of RGB and NIR photographs from Unmanned Airborne Vehicles (UAVs) for crop and land use monitoring.
Statuskonferenz Nachhaltiges Landmanagment, BMBF, Berlin |

Fanambinantsoa N, Faramalala MH, Buerkert A & Brinkmann K (2013) Use of remote sensing data to assess crop yields and food security on the Mahafaly Plateau, SW Madagascar.
Tropentag, Stuttgart |
Fricke R, Luck M & Opgenoorth L (2013) Habitat degradation shapes biodiversity patterns of plants and ants in South-west Madagascar.
Tropentag, Stuttgart |
Ganzhorn JU (2013) Trading endangered species as an ecosystem service for habitat and species conservation in Madagascar´s spiny forest.
GTÖ, Vienna |
Gérard A, Ganzhorn JU, Carriére SM & Kull CA (2013) The role of non-native plant species for nature conservation in Madagascar.
Open Landscapes, Hildesheim |
Hanisch S (2013) Agricultural innovations in cropping systems of semi-arid Southwestern Madagascar under multiple ecological and socio-economic constraints.
Tropentag, Stuttgart |
Holzmann S, Plugge D, Köhl M (2013) Developing strategies against land degradation and desertification: a heat-map for priority intervention areas in sub-Sahara Africa.
UNCCD Conference, Bonn, Germany |
Lauströer B & Braskamp E (2013) Impact of land use types on the richness and composition of reptile communities in Southwestern Madagascar.
Open Landscapes, Hildesheim |
Lauströer B, Braskamp E, Mananjara F, Rakotomalala D, Ratovonamana YR, Nopper J, Kobbe S, Ganzhorn JU (2013) Impact of land use types on the richness and composition of reptile communities in southwestern Madagascar.
GTÖ, Vienna |
Marzec S, Hammer J, Mananjara WR, Rasoma RVJ, Ranivoarivelo S, Ganzhorn JU (2013) Impacts of habitat types and land use on tortoises (Pyxis arachnoides, Astrochelys radiata) in Southern Madagascar.
GTÖ, Vienna |
Nopper J, Atrefony F, Kasola C & Fisy L (2013) Response of reptiles to short-term changes in habitat characteristics in Tsimanampetsotsa National Park.
Open Landscapes, Hildesheim |
Nopper J, Ratovonamana, YR, Rakotondranary J, Rakotomalala D, Marzec S, Lauströer B, Braskamp E, Randriamiharisoa LO, Raonizafinarivo S, Kobbe S, Ganzhorn JU (2013) Impacts of land use on the biodiversity of vertebrates in Southwestern Madagascar.
GFÖ, Potsdam |
Ranaivoson T & Rakouth B (2013) Allometric equations for timber stock and stem biomass estimation of Phanerophytes in dry forests on the Mahafaly Plateau, Madagascar.
Tropentag, Stuttgart |
Randriamiharisoa LO, Raonizafinarivo S, Raherlialao MJ, Ranivo J, Rakotondravony D, Wilmé L, Ganzhorn JU (2013) Impact of land use types on the richness and composition of bird communities in Southwestern Madagascar.
GTÖ, Vienna |
Randriamiharisoa LO, Ranirison A, Raherilalao MJ, Rakotondravony D, Wilmé L & Ganzhorn JU (2013) Effects of transhumance on the richness and composition of bird communities in Tsimanampetsotse National Park.
Open Landscapes, Hildesheim |
Ranirison A, Ratovonamana Y, Plugge D, Holtzman S, Faramalala M & Roger E (2013) Influence of transhumance on spatio-temporal dynamic of forest cover in Southwestern Madagascar.
Open Landscapes, Hildesheim

Raonizafinarivo S, Randriamiharisoa LO, Raherilalao MJ, Ranivo J, Rakotondravony D, Wilmé L & Ganzhorn, JU (2013) Bird communities in different anthropogenic habitats in southwestern Madagascar.
Open Landscapes, Hildesheim

Tropentag, Stuttgart

Tropentag, Stuttgart

Thielsen K, Tahirindraza HS, Mampiray MM, Fritz-Vietta N, Stoll-Kleemann S (2013) Taboos in natural resource management.
Statuskonferenz Nachhaltiges Landmanagment, BMBF, Berlin

Fritz-Vietta (2012) Sustainable Land Management in Madagascar (SuLaMa) – What Does Inter‐ and Transdisciplinary Research Need to Learn?
Poster for Planet under Pressure Conference 2012